
Группа в Telegram: @pythonsu

#1 Июль 26, 2007 15:38:35

Зарегистрирован: 2006-07-13
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instant django

Похоже прикольная штучка: http://www.instantdjango.com/index.html

Instant Django is a portable Django development environment for Windows.

No installation is required. Simply download the self-extracting executable, double-click, and place the resulting ‘django’ folder in a convenient location. You can even carry it around with you on a USB thumb drive.

This website also includes a simple tutorial which covers the basics of creating websites with Django. The tutorial is designed for absolute beginners, and requires no prior knowledge of the Django framework.

The portable Django development environment also works with the official tutorial. Be aware that it uses the builtin Django development web server, so it can not and should not be used for deployment of Django projects.

Начать что ли уже изучать джангу?


#2 Июль 26, 2007 16:11:18

От: Киев, Украина
Зарегистрирован: 2006-04-06
Сообщения: 756
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instant django

Достаточно неплохая вещь для начинающих.


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